Saturday, July 26, 2014

Christian Kabbalah

The word, 'Qabalah' means, 'to receive.' It is a system of studying 10 different names and attributes of God, and the 22 Tarot Cards associated with the connecting paths serves as a graphical aid to assist the student in understanding the mysteries of God.  The Qabalah A.D: The Christian Kabbalah is intended to assist the reader in understanding the nature of God, the mysteries of the Bible, and the path to salvation and spiritual growth. It builds on the efforts of Jewish Mystics and the Hermetic Orders in order to produce a completed version of the Qabalah - based solely on scripture taken from the Torah, Septuagint, and the New Testament of the Bible.

 Christian Kabbalah is the interpretation of Jewish Kabbalistic themes in the context of the Christian faith, or an interpretation of Christian doctrines utilizing Kabbalistic methods and concepts. The Renaissance saw the birth of Christian Kabbalah/Cabala (From the Hebrew קַבָּלָה "reception", often transliterated with a 'C' to distinguish it from Jewish Kabbalah and Hermetic Qabalah), also spelled Cabbala. Interest grew among some Christian scholars in what they saw to be the mystical aspects of Judaic Kabbalah, which were compatible with Christian theology. Although somewhat obscure, the tradition of Christian Cabala or Catholic Cabala still persists today. Kabbalah is well known as the foundation of the Jewish mystical tradition, but few are aware that Kabbalah’s spiritual applications extend beyond Jewish life. You will find that the teachings of Kabbalah are not only for Jewish scholars—anyone can incorporate this enduring wisdom into everyday life if they have an open mind and a willing heart. 

Kabbalah: A Brief Introduction for Christians Unlike the faddish books that discuss Kabbalah as simply a “magical system,” this book discusses the evolution of Kabbalah from its origins in Judaism and gives Christian readers the vocabulary and tools to begin to understand this long-standing mystical tradition. It also explores the similarities and differences between Jewish and Christian mysticism, placing both in a larger and more comprehensive framework. Explore the kabbalistic Tree of Life to discover how God is expressed in the world around us.

 According to Benz, Christian Kabbalah is the interpretation of Kabbalistic themes in the context of the Christian faith, or an interpretation of Christian doctrines utilizing Kabbalistic methods and concepts." He says its beginnings are generally traced back to Count Pico della Mirandola in the 15th century who, in 1486 at the young age of 23, became prominent with his "900 conclusions or theses on a Christian syncretism of all religions and sciences" which included the basic and controversial idea that esoteric Judaism is basically identical with Christianity.Read more ›

Benz's book as a good general introduction to  the ORIGINS of Christian Kabbalah with a special informative emphasis on the Kabbalistic influences and adaptations of Christian theosopher Friedrich Christoph Oetinger (1702 - 1782) who also encountered, studied and wrote a book about Christian Kabbalism in what is called "The Kabbalistic Master Tablet of Princess Antonia of Wurtemberg". One gets info. related to Christian uses of Jewish Kabbalah prior to Eliphas Levi, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and other 19th century adaptations that contributed to contemporary hermetic qabalah. If one has read, like I have, Robert Wang's imbalanced book, The Rape of Jewish Mysticism by Christian Theologians: How the Modern Occult Movement Grew out of Renaissance Attempts to Convert the Jews (2001), Benz's book will help bring historical balance.

  Christian Gnosis: From Saint Paul to Meister Eckhart -Wolfgang Smith formulates what he terms an "unexpurgated" account of gnosis, and demonstrates its central place in the perfection of the Christ-centered life. He observes, moreover, that the very conception of a "supreme knowing," as implied by the aforesaid sources, has a decisive bearing upon cosmology, which moreover constitutes the underlying principle upon which his earlier scientific and philosophical work-beginning with his ground-breaking treatise on the interpretation of quantum mechanics-has been based. The "fact of gnosis," however, has a decisive bearing on the theological notion of creatio ex nihilo as well, and it is this imperative that Smith proposes to explore in the present work.

 What is thus demanded, he contends, is the inherently Kabbalistic notion of a creatio ex Deo et in Deo, not to replace, but to complement the creatio ex nihilo. This leads to an engagement with Christian Kabbalah  (Pico de la Mirandola, Johann Reuchlin, and Cardinal Egidio di Viterbo especially) and with Jacob Boehme, culminating in an exegesis of Meister Eckhart's doctrine. The author argues, first of all, that Eckhart does not (as many have thought) advocate a "God beyond God" theology: does not, in other words, hold an inherently Sabellian view of the Trinity. Smith maintains that Eckhart has not in fact transgressed a single Trinitarian or Christological dogma; what he does deny implicitly, he shows, is none other than the creatio ex nihilo, which in effect Eckhart replaces with the Kabbalistic creatio ex Deo. In this shift, moreover, Smith perceives the transition from "exoteric" to "esoteric" within the integral domain of Christian doctrine. Wolfgang Smith brings to his writing a rare combination of qualities and experiences, not the least his ability to move freely between the somewhat arcane worlds of science and traditional metaphysics. Alongside Dr. Smith's imposing qualifications in mathematics, physics, and philosophy, we find his hard-earned expertise in Platonism, Christian theology, traditional cosmologies, and Oriental metaphysics. His outlook has been enriched both by his diverse professional experiences in the high-tech world of the aerospace industry and in academia, and by his own researches in the course of his far-reaching intellectual and spiritual journeying. Here is that rare person who is equally at home with Eckhart and Einstein, Heraclitus and Heisenberg! 

Christian Kabbalah or Cabala "reinterpreted Kabbalistic doctrine from a distinctly Christian perspective, linking Jesus Christ, His atonement, and His resurrection to the TenSefirot", linking the upper three Sephirot to the hypostases of the Trinity and the last seven "to the lower or earthly world",[2] or "would make Kether the Creator (or the Spirit), Hokhmah the Father, and Binah—the supernal mother—Mary", which "places Mary on a divine level with God, something the orthodox churches have always refused to do".[3] Christian Cabalists sought to transform Kabbalah into "a dogmatic weapon to turn back against the Jews to compel their conversion—starting with Ramon Llull", whom Harvey J. Hames called "the first Christian to acknowledge and appreciate kabbalah as a tool of conversion", though Llull was not a Kabbalist himself nor versed in Kabbalah.[4] Later Christian Cabala is mostly based on Pico della Mirandola, Johann Reuchlin and Paolo Riccio.

The movement was influenced by a desire to interpret aspects of Christianity even more mystically than current Christian Mystics. Greek Neoplatonic documents came into Europe from Constantinople in the reign of Mehmet IINeoplatonism had been prevalent in Christian Europe and had entered into Scholasticism since the translation of Greek and Hebrew texts in Spain in the 13th century. The Renaissance trend was a relatively short-lived phenomenon, ending by 1750. After the 18th century, Kabbalah became blended with European occultism, some of which had a religious basis; but the main thrust of Christian Kabbalah was by then dead. A few attempts have been made to revive it in recent decades, particularly in relation to the Neoplatonism of the first two chapters of the Gospel of John, but it has not entered into mainstream Christianity.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Kabbalistic Wisdom, Religion, spirituality in Abuja

Kabbalistic Wisdom, Religion, spirituality in Abuja

Qabalah or Kabala is the foundation of ancient Jewish or
western esoteric tradition. The system was so strong, sacred and holy that it
was regarded by the Jewish as a serious transgression to commit it to writing.
Thus the teaching was handed down from generation to generation orally. In the
old Hebrew, the word Qablah means from mouth to ear.  It was only of recent that scholars started
to translate and put the teaching to writing. Read  The Essential Kabbalah: The Heart of Jewish Mysticism 

The Way: Using the Wisdom of Kabbalah for Spiritual Transformation and Fulfillment  is a set of esoteric teachings meant to explain the relationship between an unchanging, eternal and mysterious Ein Sof (no end) and the mortal and finite universe (his creation). While it is heavily used by some denominations, it is not a religious denomination in itself. Inside Judaism, it forms the foundations of mystical religious interpretation. Outside Judaism, its scriptures are read outside the traditional canons of organised religion. Click here for Kabbalah: Key To Your Inner Power (Mystical Paths of the World's Religions)  

The Qabalistic system is magical and occult..occultism
points the way to the Christ when faith alone cannot find him. All Qabalist are
called magicians and they are all Jewish Prophets such as Abraham, Moses,
Isaac, Elijah, David, Solomon and more are all Qabalist and Magicians. The word MAGIC was derived from the Persian word  “Mag”,
meaning a ”Priest” for the Persian Priests are wonder workers. Webster
dictionary defined Magic as “The hidden wisdom and power  possessed by the “Mag” or “Magi” meaning a
wise man.

  Mystical Qabalah
Jewish traditional occultism was first taught by
God to selected company of Angels who form a theosophical school in paradise
and taught this heavenly  doctrine  to selected initiate on earth , the
protoplasts with the means of returning to their pristine nobility and
felicity. From Adams it passes over to Noah, and then to Abraham, the friend of
God , who emigrated to Egypt, were the patriarch allowed portion of the Mysteries
to ooze out. Egyptians obtained some knowledge of the mysterious  doctrine. Other Eastern  nations introduced it into their
philosophical and religious systems, Moses also initiated the seventy elders
into the secrets of this doctrine and were transmitted from mouth to ear.

Of all who formed the unbroken chain of tradition, David and  Solomon
 were deeply initiated into
Qabalah  Mysteries,  hence Ancient occultism was the Royal or Sacerdotal
Arts. Qabalah system was so strong, sacred and holy that it was regarded by the
Jewish as a serious transgression to commit it to writing. Thus the teaching was
handed down from generation to generation orally. 

It was only of recent that Schimeon Ben Jochai, who lived at
the time of the destruction of the second temple, after his death, his son,
Rabbi Eleasar collated Rabbi Schimeon Ben Jochai’s  treatises,  and out of these composed the celebrated works
called ZHR,
Zohar: The Book of Splendor: Basic Readings from the Kabbalah
which are grand store-house of Kabala Magic or
Mystical Kabala and  scholars started to
translate and put the teaching to writing. Learn more here 
The Essential Zohar: The Source of Kabbalistic Wisdom

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Wisdom of Ifá, Religion, spirituality in Abuja

Wisdom of Ifá, Religion, spirituality in Abuja

God - Olodumare or Olorun as the supreme, self-existing deity. He is supreme over all on earth and in heaven, acknowledged by all the divinities as the Head to whom all authority belongs and all allegiance is due. . . His status of supremacy is absolute. Learn more here

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Kabbalistic Wisdom, Religion, spirituality in Abuja

Kabbalistic Wisdom, Religion, spirituality in Abuja

Quabalah or Kabala is the foundation of ancient Jewish or western esoteric tradition. The system was so strong, sacred and holy that it was regarded by the Jewish as a serious transgression to commit it to writing. Thus the teaching was handed down from generation to generation orally. Learn more here